Why is airflow for your ac unit so important???

Why is airflow for your ac unit so important???

Posted by Superior Air Quality on Jun 30th 2020

We talk a lot about good air flow here at Superior Air Quality so why is it so important for your unit to have it? There are several reasons why you should want your ac to have optimum air flow.

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = less energy required to force air through your whole house which should mean lower energy bills

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = uniform cooling throughout your home- no hot spots or cold spots

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = desired temperature is maintained better

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = fresher smelling air- air is not stagnant

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = less time to cool your home to the desired temperature

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = it is able to collect more contaminants such as dust, pollen, mold etc

OPTIMUM AIR FLOW = maintains proper humidity levels especially in humid climates

What are the best ways to give your unit optimum air flow?

Use the Green Screen air filters which work better than pleated filters because they allow better air flow while catching more dust, mold and allergens. They do not face load and block air near as quickly as pleated- they have 3 zones so different size particles get trapped throughout the whole filter leaving more room for air to get through. (Picture demonstrates this). SHOP HERE Cheap fiberglass filters have great airflow but only collect around 10% of the particles!

Changing out your filters on a routine basis is also very important. Once a filter is at dust holding capacity air flow is no longer very good.

Keep Vents Clean & Clear so air can circulate properly. Move furniture, etc. away from the vent and airflow area.

Have Ductwork checked once a year for leaks, buildup and to make sure they have not come loose. This can be done when your ac tech comes out for your unit’s yearly checkup.

Before a remodel or increase your home with an addition make sure the unit is the appropriate size for the new space. Check with your ac company about this.

So, good airflow for your ac unit is very important for many reasons. As you know your ac is a big investment and you want it to run as efficiently as possible and for as long as possible! Good airflow is very important because restricted air makes your ac unit run harder and more often. Use the above tips and you will breathe better- our main goal here at Superior Air Quality!